Couples Therapy Training Zagreb 2025-2026: 2 years training courseS veseljem najavljujemo edukaciju iz gestalt partnerske terapije kroz četiri modula u organizaciji Gestalt centar Homa. Ovim putem pozivamo sve zainteresirane gestalt terapeute, apsolvente gestalt psihoterapije i stručnjake koji rade s parovima da nam se pridruže. Termini edukacije su: I. Modul: 15. – 17. travnja 2025. II. Modul: 14. – 16. listopada 2025. III. Modul: 14. – 16. travnja 2026. IV. Modul: 14. – 16. listopada 2026. Polaznici se obvezuju na sudjelovanje u cijelom programu, koji se može platiti po modulima (550 eura po modulu, PDV uključen) ili odjednom. Ukupna cijena edukacije iznosi 2200 eura (PDV uključen). Polaznici će nakon završene edukacije dobiti potvrdu o sudjelovanju, a za one koji budu željeli certifikat organizirat će se završni ispit koji se dodatno plaća, a planiran je za 2027. godinu. Edukacija će se održati u grupi od maksimalno 20 sudionika. Voditelji edukacije su iskusni gestalt terapeuti Favorito Barbarello i Kevin McCann. Edukacija će se održavati na engleskom jeziku bez prevođenja. Više o edukaciji i trenerima možete pročitati niže u tekstu. Za dodatne informacije možete nas kontaktirati na e-mail: [email protected] Ukoliko ste zainteresirani molim Vas da se prijavite putem prijavnog obrasca koji se nalazi na linku: Prednost imaju osobe koje imaju iskustvo rada s parovima. |
Biografije |
Favorito Barbarello, M.Sc. Gestalt Psych., H. Dip. Integrative Psychotherapy Studies
Favo was born in Italy and has been living in Ireland since 1998. He trained initially as a craniosacral therapist, and subsequently started training in Gestalt psychotherapy at G.A.T.L.A. with Bob and Rita Resnick in 2004. He joined the faculty as an assistant trainer for both Gestalt and couples training, and finally joined the Couples Therapy training core faculty with his husband Kevin, under the mentoring of Bob and Rita Resnick. Favo is also visiting faculty at several training centers in Europe. Together with Kevin, he set up the Irish GestaltTraining Institute in 2013, offering workshops in Ireland and abroad. He is an Accredited Member of the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, and a Registered Craniosacral Therapist. He likes humor and he’s interested in connection through cultural differences. Kevin McCann, H.Dip. (Hons) in Gestalt Therapy Kevin was born in Lurgan, Co Armagh, Northern Irelan. He is a graduate of University College Cork, where he gained a H.Dip. In Gestalt therapy, and a Postgrad. H.Dip. In Integrative Psychotherapy Studies. He continued his training with Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles (G.A.T.L.A.), becoming a certified Gestalt Therapist, and a Group Leader for GATLA in 2011. Kevin’s couples therapy training has been for many years under the tutelage of Bob and Rita Resnick, until joining the couples therapy training core faculty with his husband Favo, assisting Bob and Rita in Ireland and abroad. Kevin lectures extensively in Gestalt therapy, both in Ireland and abroad, and is a visiting lecturer at several Gestalt Institutes. He is an accredited supervisor, and has 30 years experience in third level education and training. Kevin is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Kevin also runs a private practice for individual psychotherapy and couples therapy and is co-founder of the Irish Gestalt Training Institute, which offers postgraduate training in Gestalt Therapy. He is a member of the European Association of Gestalt Therapy and the Slovenian Association of Gestalt Therapy. |
Course description |
MARRIAGE AND RELATIONSHIPS TODAY (irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identification) are, to a large extent based on the assumption that two individuals fuse into one. More than 50% of all first marriages end in divorce, as do approximately 75% of second marriages. Add to this the remaining secretly “miserably married”– those living lives of quiet (or not so quiet) desperation based on fear of being alone, fear of damaging the children, financial insecurity, religious doctrine, social stigma, etc. — and we begin to see the magnitude of the problem. If the Basic Human Dilemma for everyone from birth until death is: How to be connected to another, and maintain a self, then the western model of marriage
makes this almost impossible. “Two Become One” is the death knell to the movement required between self and other to maintain connection – with contact and separation. In order to connect, there must be two. COURSE DESCRIPTION: For over 50 years, Bob and Rita Resnick have introduced Gestalt therapy to thousands of therapists worldwide. Their couples therapy model has allowed therapists, and couples, to benefit from an alternative view of coupling based on mutual respect, validation and acceptance of difference as a way to connect and resolve conflict in primary relationships. Kevin and Favo have been fortunate and proud to have been chosen by Bob and Rita to carry on their work on couples therapy and continue to teach it to therapists who want to work with couples in their practice, by learning to focus on the process from a Gestalt perspective. The Resnicks have brought their model to Ireland for over 20 years. We hope to continue to keep this tradition and resource alive and dynamic, open to the changing field conditions of our times. This is a 2-year couples therapy training for qualified therapists and allied professionals who work with couples. Each day, Favo and Kevin will work live with real Model Couples to illustrate their way of encouraging couples to authentically represent themselves. This will be a practical, “hands-on” course with daily supervised practice for all therapists in small supervised groups. All clinical work will be related to theory – to clarify and to make both more meaningful and practical. We want to focus on practice which will support therapists in their own work. This course will offer two forms of completions: A. A certificate of attendance for those who attend AT LEAST 90% of the whole course. B. A certificate of competence for those who sit a final examination, where they will work with a couple live in front of an examination panel. They will need to be able to describe their work and link it to theory (examination fee not included in the course). |